Dispomed became a reality 40 years ago after our father, Serge, had dreamt of it for many years. Dispo-med, as it was originally written, was at first a service company for anesthesia equipment. Many years in the field made Serge realize that, in Quebec, there was a lack of maintenance for this sort of equipment and that it was not adapted to the uses of veterinarians. Indeed, most clinics were using machines intended for the human market, much more complex to operate with a high risk of leakage due to all the non-essential fittings.
It was for this reason that we developed the Bain Moduflex circuit adapter that we offered a few months later to our clients. Today, it remains the preferred by all veterinarians worldwide! The Moduflex range was created in 1992 after numerous hours of research and development and appeared on the international market in France. The range of products and services offered by Dispomed has evolved continuously over the years, as has market growth and the addition of new employees. Today, Dispomed continues to promote Quebec expertise on the Canadian and international markets. With the challenges we have all been coping with over the past few years, we are determined to extend potential of the company and especially of the people who decide to invest their time and know-how in Dispomed.
We are convinced that all the people involved with Dispomed have the opportunity to experience excellence today.
The veterinary field has greatly evolved in recent years due to the increasing importance of pets in homes around the world. We will continue to work in close collaboration with industry players in order to offer products and services adapted to the needs of animals, but also to the reality of users. Future major projects will also allow us to build upon our 40-year history.
Thank you to the veterinary community, our colleagues and business partners for believing in yesterday’s Dispomed, for trusting today’s Dispomed, and for support us in building tomorrow’s Dispomed.
Sébastien and Mélissa Lachapelle