Are you considering the purchase of a new anesthesia machine or upgrading an existing one? Learn all the advantages the different veterinary anesthesia accessories offer. Making your life easier, these products will complement your existing equipment and allow you to concentrate solely on your intervention on the patient.
Why you should get anesthesia accessories
- Reduce the possibility of an oversight
- Have an increased control on the animals state
- Assure the adequate functioning of the anesthesia machine
- Have a plan B
- Improve the quality of the intervention
Scavenger Interfaces
During a surgery, all non consumed gas by the animal must be sent outside to eliminate the risk that it be inhaled by the clinic’s employees. Connected to an evacuation ventilator, the scavenger interface automatically controls the suction flow to keep it balanced with the quantity of gas that was not used. If you are not equipped with this kind of installation you must, between each patient, adjust the suction power of the evacuation fan so it will not suck up the air the patient needs or you will have to compensate with an increase of the gas flow. Without an scavenger interface, you will waste precious time and the risk of error or oversight is increased.
Circuit Alarm
So many things to think of while performing a surgery.Eliminate stress by installing on your anesthesia machine an alarm circuit. During assisted ventilation, the alarm will alert you when you will get to a level of pressure at risk. If you forget the evacuation valve in a closed position, the alarm circuit will alert you with a warning sound. The alarm is adjustable to the pressure you need and with which you will be comfortable to work.
Bain Circuit Adaptor
A Bain type open circuit on an anesthesia machine gives you better control while doing a veterinary intervention. The balloon is always inflated, no need to wait for it to have reached a certain dimension before ventilating the patient. Compared to other open circuits such as the Jackson Rees and the Ayres T Piece, the Moduflex™ Bain is equipped with a pressure gauge that gives you the possibility to check the animal’s lung pressure. The Bain adaptor is equipped with a momentary valve to avoid forgetting the valve in a closed position, which could cause the animal pulmonary trauma.
E-Cylinder Holders
The cylinder holder can be helpful in many situations. It can be very useful when there is a lack of oxygen in the central system. In the occasional cases where you need to move an anesthetized animal to a room where there are no oxygen outlets, the cylinder holder enables you to keep the patient in an ideal condition. Economically speaking, we suggest using this system only when there are no other options for main oxygen source as the small cylinders used with the cylinder holders are about seven times more expensive to fill up than the standard cylinders. This veterinary anesthesia accessory is, in many countries, mandatory to a statutory practice!
Antibacterial Filter
Whether you know for a fact the animal you are about to work on is contagious or not, the antibacterial filter protects your anesthesia machine and future patients of a possible contamination. This veterinary anesthesia accessory is also much appreciated while proceeding with specialized procedures such as bronchoalveolar washings to eliminate virus propagation risks in the anesthesia machine.
Induction Chamber
You must operate an intervention on a small kitten and it is in a panic state? The induction chamber is a very useful equipment piece that allows you to put small animals to sleep fast..